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  • Writer's pictureS. H. Pratt

"Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are - 'It might have been...'."

~ Kurt Vonnegut

Of all of life's lessons, this has been one of the most difficult to embrace. Taking that step and letting go of the fears that hold me back, it's not a comfortable thing. Everyone prefers their comfort zone... everyone. Even the thrill seekers find that rush of adrenaline is their comfy place.

Writing is my comfy place but the other "stuff" isn't really comfortable. It's safe to sit behind my laptop, exploring other worlds and lives in the depths of my head. But in this world of hundreds of books being released on a daily basis, I can't just stay in my head. So I step out of my comfy place and do things like author events, marketing events and things that are entirely cringe-worthy. Why? Because what's the point of publishing books if you can't share them?

As for events... Keep your eyes on this blog page to find out how you can get your hands on special swag at both the Passion in Portland event and the InD'Scribe Author & Reader Con. I'll share that info at the end of the month. ♥

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  • Writer's pictureS. H. Pratt

Sorry, I've been out of touch lately. I've been working hard on getting special goodies ready for the Passion in Portland event and the InD'Scribe Author & Reader Con. If you're going to be there, I'll have a special code for you to claim yours but you'll have to watch here, my twitter account and my newsletter to get those codes. ♥ Yes, I'm going to make you wait and make you watch for them. I only have a limited number of special goodies so you'll have to be on top of your game if you want one. I really am getting excited to attend these two events and see my awesome readers. ♥

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  • Writer's pictureS. H. Pratt

Today is Thursday. It's the day before Friday and for most, a nondescript day. But on Facebook, there is a wonderful page that is changing the ho-hum status of Thursday. Indie Authors & Book Blogs is a great page where they have begun this awesome weekly feature that had drawn so many readers, bloggers, and writers together in a supportive and fun way. Thursday have become Confessions day and I will admit to being a Confessions Addict. I've met new readers who have then shared my books with their friends who have joined confessions. It's a wonderful thing to look forward to each week.

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