So my middle nerdling has been working on a super secret project for me. You might notice that there is now music playing on this website. My middle nerdling, Mr. Music himself, composed the music you hear! Yes, COMPOSED it! He worked on it for about two weekds to get it "just right" and then we learned how to upload recordings off his keyboard into Garage Band, he tweaked and fiddled and made it just so and now, I have this most beautiful piece of original music for your listening enjoyment. ♥
Soon, I'll have the newest cover for The Artist's Touch for you to see. T.J. (middle nerdlings composers name) is working on music for a teaser for that set of books too! ♥ So much love to share. ♥ I'll be sharing T.J.'s music on my youtube channel. So please, if you love listening to this lovely song, give it a like. ♥