I'd like you to meet the lovely Shy with vs. The Writer. She's another blogger I met through IABB and Confessions. I love being able to chat with her and love the unique view she shares, especially with the books she reads. ♥
Spotlight Interview Responses:
1. Aside from loving to read, why did you start blogging?
I already own a blog for random thoughts, then one of my favorite authors asked if anyone of us (street team members) wants to help her share the word of her new book. And I thought, why not? And then I continued doing it from where I am now. So I guess, I can say that apart from reading it’s my love for the authors that had me blogging.
2. How long have you been blogging?
Two years and a half.
3. Where is you blog’s home? US or abroad?
I’m from the Philippines and it sounds awkward to say abroad because from my point of view, US is abroad. :😂
4. What’s your favorite book?
That is such a hard question. I love a lot of books it’s hard to pick one. Sherlock novels and Harry Potter are two of my all time favorite.
5. What’s your favorite genre?
None. I go for anything I find interesting or sounds interesting
6. Is there any specific genre that you don’t care to read?
This used to be a No. But these days I stay away from erotica, m/m erotica most specially.
7. What is the one thing about your blog that you think makes it stand out among the other blogs?
I’m not sure there is any as pathetic as that may sound. I used to do a thing on Wednesdays but recently I’ve so busy I kind of lie low on my blog.
8. What’s your favorite thing about blogging?
Getting to know authors more, interacting with readers and bloggers like me and discovering new books to read.
9. When you aren’t busy with your blog, what do you enjoy doing?
Reading, travelling and spending time with friends.
10. What would you like the whole world to know about your blog?
That it’s a blog that blogs for love of authors and that its reviews are honest, maybe. Truth is, I don’t know how to answer this question because it never crossed on my mind before.
Thank you so much, S.H. Pratt!
Links to vs. The Writer
Website: http://versusthewriter.wordpress.com