'Tis the season for those wonderful events called The Best of... And it is my absolute honor and thrill to be able to share with you that Adam Green, our most awesome twin from the Green Brothers Novels, has made the top 5 in Sweet N Sassy Book A Holic's Best of the Best of 2015 and has the chance for a Top 3. If you could please take a moment to vote for Adam, I'd truly appreciate it. The link to Adam's poll: http://on.fb.me/1ZpMl2X
Also, I've been nominated as one of the top 10 contemporary romance authors and suspenseful romance authors of 2015 in Bottles & Books Reviews 1st Annual Reader's Choice Awards - Best of 2015. Voting link is: http://bit.ly/1Oj5fR9
Also, The Artist's Touch for suspense romance, romance, and favorite female character and The Crazy Mountain books for favorite cowboy books in Bottles & Books Reviews 1st Annual Reader's Choice Awards - Best of 2015. Voting link is: http://bit.ly/1Sco2Du If you could please take that moment to add your votes I would appreciate it more than there are words.
Another quick note: Don't forget that I'll be on By The Fireplace tonight 12/23 at 8pm PST and I hope you'll join me. ♥ Link: https://www.facebook.com/By-the-Fireplace-950988574994495/