Yeah, I meant to post this yesterday but I was a bit of a lazy schmo. :/ Today has been an exercise in "crap, I forgot" and then me scrambling to do all the things. Last week was weird and a tad chaotic - shocking, right? LOL Homework was a lot of writing last week. This week will be a lot of adapting - the joys of being a non-trad student. I did submit a short story for the school's online magazine - I'll let you know if that sees any traction. I'm feeling a bit surly and disgruntled at the moment so all the things I wanted to put in this #weeklyupdate have flittered right out my fluff for brains. And that disgruntled surliness is largely because of one of my professors. I cannot wait to be out of her class. *head desk
And on that cheerful note, I think I'm going to go scrounge up some dinner then do some more homework. Not gonna lie - I'll be glad when this quarter is over. :/