So, I'm sitting here chatting with a friend who happens to be one of my most fervent readers. She's literally read every single book I've ever written. It occurs to me, that some of my readers have reviewed everything they've written. Other readers have also gone so far as to leave testimonials for me, letting me know what they think of my writing and all that.
If you are a reader who has reviewed my books, I thank you from the very softest, warmest part of my heart. It truly means the world to me that you have taken the time to let me know what you think. If you've left me a testimonial... I am so humbled and honored. Thank you. ♥
If you have read my books but haven't reviewed them... thank you for reading, I appreciate it so much. I would love to know what you think of the books. Love them? Hate them? Find them to be 'meh'? Please pop in and give it a review and let me know. It helps me to write better books for you. And even if you hate the books... I love that you read them and reviewing them will only make me love you more.
If you'd like to leave a testimonial for me and don't mind seeing it on this website, please send it to me in an email or via my Facebook page. I love sharing what my readers think.
Now I'm done being a needy author and must be getting back to my writing...
Thank you for reading. ♥♣