I was wandering around the Twitter-verse this morning and came across the trend that it's National Watermelon Day. Who thinks this stuff up? And how loony do you have to be at the time to think "We should make a day for random fruits and melons." Then I noticed the trend of #MondayMotivation. Well, do we have to? LOL What motivates me on Monday is the vain hope that I won't have to get up and face Monday. One day I'll get to have the schedule I like... yes, I like to dream... I'll be able to write until the wee hours of the morning, go to bed and sleep well past noon and then get up and do it all over again. Hey, I said I like to dream. ;-) However, in the reality of it all... I have three nerdlings who I do enjoy being around (most of the time) and an extended family who doesn't get my weirdness. Therefore, such dreams, while lovely, are unrealistic. So, I'll continue to dream while enjoying a watermelon margarita on #NationalWatermelonDay and avoid any sort of trappings of #MondayMotivation. To the writing cave... with my margarita. ;-) LOL
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