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  • Writer's pictureS. H. Pratt

When in doubt, go to the library. LOL How can anything be bad when the darling nerdlings want to go to the library. I love that my kids love the library. It's always an hour well spent in my opinion. And now, we are enjoying an Robin Williams marathon to celebrate the life that was cut short too soon. I'm not sure just how soon I'll be able to do so, but I will be getting a semicolon tattoo. Depression is a terrible companion that haunts so many, including myself. If possible, I'll get that tattoo at the same time I get my shamrock. Both of which, with any luck will happen before I go to Dublin next year for the Claddagh event. So to books, life, love and Robin Williams...

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  • Writer's pictureS. H. Pratt

Happy National Book Lovers Day! I love that they have this day! It makes me so happy. It also makes me think of Shy of Tomorrow. You know, my book that takes place (a lot) in a library with the charming, dimple-faced Jeremy *swoon* and Kylee, the shy librarian who has captured his attention. Notably, this is one of my favorite books out of all the ones I've written. I sincerely hope that if you ever read ANY of my books that you'll read Shy of Tomorrow. ♥

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  • Writer's pictureS. H. Pratt

Have you ever noticed that I set my books in places that are mostly on the western side of the US? There is a reason for this... I am from Montana, it courses through my blood as much as coffee and chocolate do. I have spent a considerable amount of time in California due to the large concentration of my family that lives there, including one of my best friends (who also happens to be my cousin and the inspiration for Ryan in Always My Love). I've lived in Washington state for the better part of the last twenty years from Vancouver to Aberdeen to Olympia. So when you read my books I sincerely hope you feel like you're at home in the places I love.

Today, I shared my Crazy Mountains with all of Twitterverse in #FridayReads. The more time I spend twittering the more ways I find to share the love of my favorite places. Just as I hope that my characters find their way into your heart, I hope that the places they live and love in do as well.

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