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Writer: S. H. PrattS. H. Pratt

The beauty of events is that you get to meet new people. A PA asked if I'd be interested in doing a takeover for a blog's event... Yup... it's that easy. Colleen with Itsy Bitsy Book Bits is an amazing woman who does so much for authors. She does more in a day than most people I know and she just makes it so much fun to hang out on her page!

She even took time out of her crazy busy schedule to answer my interview questions. ♥

Aside from loving to read, why did you start blogging?

I was hearing a lot of stories about authors getting poor service and no one caring about them. I thought that maybe slowly I could help to make a difference while doing something I love.

How long have you been blogging?

A little over a year

Where is you blog’s home? US or abroad?


What’s your favorite book?

Parker Sibling Series by Leigh Ann Lunsford

What’s your favorite genre?

True Crime

Is there any specific genre that you don’t care to read?

Self Help

What is the one thing about your blog that you think makes it stand out among the other blogs?

I truly care about the authors and people in general. I may not always get it right, I have and will make mistakes but I always try to learn, grow, and be supportive of all authors.

What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

All the relationships I have been able to build with amazing authors, readers, and reading friends.

When you aren’t busy with your blog, what do you enjoy doing?

I seem to always be busy with my blog, but in those rare instances I love to play volleyball, am obsessed with reality tv shows and crime shows.

What would you like the whole world to know about your blog?

That I strive to make it a place for authors and readers to call home. That I’m not perfect but I will always try to learn, grow, and correct anything I screw up and most importantly that without the authors, the readers, and my fellow blogs I am nothing.

Links for the Itsy Bitsy Book Bits Blog... please go show Colleen some love. ♥

Writer: S. H. PrattS. H. Pratt

Aaw, today is a special blog to my heart. I met Diana through an author friend of mine, FL Jacob when Diana was with a totally different blog. When she moved on to Bookaholic & More Blog, I didn't hesitate to follow her. She's been a great friend and I'm super glad to share her blog with you.

Here is Diana's interview...

Aside from loving to read, why did you start blogging?

I started blogging when I became friends with one author, then attended my very first book signing in 2013 from there it became my passion.

How long have you been blogging?

Since 2013

Where is you blog’s home? US or abroad?

Am a Texas native born and raise in San Antonio, Texas

What’s your favorite book?

Wow, I have so many books, but the very first book I read that still up to this day I remember it is A Rose in Winter by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

What’s your favorite genre?

I can tell you that am a sucker for love and happy endings so my favorite genre is romance/erotica. Everyone loves a good sex scene once in a while

Is there any specific genre that you don’t care to read?

You know shape-shifters are not my cup of tea, I will read them if I have committed to read and review one but I try not to. Sorry

What is the one thing about your blog that you think makes it stand out among the other blogs?

My humble page features Indie Authors, I love to become friends with them and help them as much as I can. I know it is a real struggle in the literary world.

What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

I love to meet different authors with different ideas, the friendships I have made because of my blogging is the best thing in this world.

When you aren’t busy with your blog, what do you enjoy doing?

I love to spend time with my hubby and my four fur-babies.

What would you like the whole world to know about your blog?

My humble page is open to all the authors that will like for me to share their amazing work with all my fans and friends.

Links for Diana's Bookaholic & More Blog... Please go give her some love. ♥

Writer: S. H. PrattS. H. Pratt

We continue this week with my Blogger Appreciation Spotlights! ♥ Today's spotlight is on Roses & Violets Book Reviews, another blog I came to find through IABB and confessions. Are you noticing a theme yet? LOL

Here are some answers to those pressing interview questions...

Aside from loving to read, why did you start blogging?

I realised that many people were like I had been and didn't know that indie authors existed. I felt that I had discovered hidden jewels of the author world and wanted to increase the awareness of them. My opinion is just because they aren't well known enough to be in bookstores in the U.K. doesn't mean they aren't good enough. America recognises more indies than the U.K. does.

How long have you been blogging?

Just over a year, my blog celebrated it's blogiversary end of April this year.

Where is you blog’s home? US or abroad?

I live in the U.K. So my blog is based here. I wish I was USA based!! They have so many more book signings and indie books in stores there!

What’s your favorite book?

That's like asking me what child or dog is my favourite!!! I have to say Fifty Shades of Grey, because that book started it all. It reignited my lost passion for reading. If it wasn't for E.L.James I wouldn't be a blogger now.

What’s your favorite genre?

I love lots of genres. MC, dark, romance, comedy, rockstar. I couldn't pick just one.

Is there any specific genre that you don’t care to read?

I'm really not into dystopian, historical, paranormal or vampire books.

What is the one thing about your blog that you think makes it stand out among the other blogs?

I wish I knew!! It's relatively small but it ticks along okay so there must be something that draws authors to it!

What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

The amount of author and blogger friends I have acquired. Some are very close friends. It's lovely when you finally find your kind of people.

When you aren’t busy with your blog, what do you enjoy doing?

Reading, reading, reading...

I also write poetry and am writing my own novels. Also I have a craft/swag page that I spend time creating for too.

What would you like the whole world to know about your blog?

Just that I do it for my love of books and every review is honest and sincere.

Need links to visit the lovely Roses & Violets Book Reviews?? Here you go!


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