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Writer: S. H. PrattS. H. Pratt

I find myself getting farther and farther behind although my intentions are great (what is that saying again? Something about roads and hell?) and my post-its remind me to not to.

However, in the spirit of full disclosure, I will admit that The Artist's Touch on audio took a severe hit (meaning the production company was unprofessional and back out just as things were coming together - but not hard feelings... right?... or something). In many ways, I'm glad they aren't doing it anymore. The narrators, while great overall, had some trouble with simple pronunciation and it didn't improve no matter how many links to the correct pronunciation I gave. *SIGH*

Also, the foul feelings, you know, the ones that accompanied the news that I'd spent seven months on a project that was suddenly tanked, provoked a whole lot of writing. While it may not show, because I have had no new books at all this year. *SOB* I truly am sorry for that.

And I've been asked (as my alter ego of C. K. Brewer) to take part of an anthology that will be released late next year. I'll share more details when I have them.

I've also got some other projects ASIDE from book 3 of the Crazy Mountain Series; book 2 of the Picture of Love Series; a standalone (Malaki's story)... just a few of my WIPs. There are so many men and so little time. ;-) My head is a mess of ideas, plots, storylines, and characters. It's frightening.

There are also some juicy tidbits in my most recent newsletter, so please check it out. ♥

Real life has also been a bit of a whirl wind... Passion in Portland happened. It was so awesome to see old friends and meet new ones. ♥

And football season started... No, this doesn't just mean Seahawks are on. LOL My baby nerdling has joined the MJV Cougars team for 4th & 5th graders and has been playing his heart out. Who knew so much mud could happen?? Thank heaven for Dawn... that's all I'm saying. So our evenings are taken with football practice, our Saturdays are Cougars football and Oregon Ducks football, and, of course, our Sundays are all about the Seahawks. LOL

School started. And of course the nerdlings never do anything normal. LOL The eldest nerdling (15) started courses at the local community college and is on track to have her Associate's degree in two years. The middle nerdling (13) starts every day at the high school in geometry then is bused to the middle school for the rest of his day. And the baby nerdling (10) is in his last year in elementary school meaning extra things on his plate including learning the trombone in band.

In case you've ever wondered, my house is almost always loud. The middle nerdling plays his keyboards, guitars, and drums... the baby nerdling plays the piano and now the trombone. The eldest nerdling practices her snark... oh wait... LOL ;-)

So, while I've been slacking with releasing books... I haven't really been slacking. LOL

It's never dull...

Writer: S. H. PrattS. H. Pratt

I came around tonight to let you all know about some small items that I now have available for sale and to remind you about Passion in Portland happening this Saturday on the 10th and I realized that it had, in fact BEEN OVER A MONTH since I'd been around. Oh man, I am so sorry. For the record, I blather every single day on Facebook, so if you seek me there, you'll get info quicker. Also, you are now allowed to punish me with 20 lashes with a wet noodle. (Here is the link to my FB page BTW: )

So, Passion in Portland...

There will be some most excellent authors there... more than 50 and I'll even be there. I'll have huckleberry bonbons just like the ones I write about in my Green Brothers Novels and will cheerfully sign any book you choose to buy from me. LOL There are still a few tickets left, so grab them quick and come say hi! Passion in Portland Tickets

Also, I have added some goodies for sale other than books for you. At this time, there is only shirts, a travel mug, and a sticker, but I'll slowly add more when I can. If you'd like to check them out, there are links to all of them on my Books and Such page.

Writer: S. H. PrattS. H. Pratt

Last but most certainly not least, I would like to share The Twisted Book Curmudgeons. Neeny is an indie author who I met through other authors... and am so glad I have. She and I share an equally warped sense of humor and view of the world and life. Kelly, I met through Neeny! ♥ And that is just a couple of this great group!

Even though she's super busy with life, writing, and blogging, Neeny was kind enough to answer my interview...

Aside from loving to read, why did you start blogging?

Most of us are indie supporters, readers, and writers. We found people were always looking for reviews and we decided we could help. We approached people we knew who loved to read and reviewed. We asked them to join our group and review under our banner.

How long have you been blogging?

We’ve been blogging for a little over a year and we’ve grown exponentially. In terms of our numbers in the crew, followers, review applications, and the connections we’ve made. It’s actually been quite a journey. I didn’t expect to become so busy, but we’re not complaining.

Where is you blog’s home? US or abroad?

Our blog is registered abroad. It’s registered in Switzerland. At the moment, Cranky is the number one reviewer for Switzerland on Goodreads.

What’s your favorite book?

This is so hard! It’s like asking who is your favourite child. If I had to pick one, it’d be “the bone people” by Keri Hulme.

What’s your favorite genre?

I’m a mood reader. Personally, I’m not genre specific and will go with what appeals to me at the time. I do like a good romance. I like contemporary fiction, mystery-suspense, horror, and been known to pick up fantasy-paranormal.

For Cranky, the highest percentage of books we get review requests for is romance. It’s something like 70 percent. I have noticed the numbers of fantasy-paranormal creeping up, as well as mystery-suspense.

Is there any specific genre that you don’t care to read?

I don’t like Stockholm romances. They’re my least favourite. I don’t read them. In saying that, however, one of our crew’s greatest strengths (in my opinion) is that we have a diverse review group. So, what one person doesn’t like, someone else will love.

What is the one thing about your blog that you think makes it stand out among the other blogs?

I think there are a couple of things: we’re not genre specific. We review all genres, which means we’re open. As a group, this means we’re interacting with people who have a wide range of reading interests. I actually love that. I’ve picked up books and read outside my genre because of our reviewers’ enthusiasm for a book.

Also, we do gif reviews and they’re a lot of fun. It’s our signature. We love hunting for pictures that go with the theme of the book and review.

What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

I’d honestly say it’s been meeting people – both inside and outside our group. I interact with our review crew every day and they’ve become great friends and supporters. I’ve loved connecting with authors, other bloggers, and enthusiastic readers. It’s also great to know we’re helping people in the indie community.

When you aren’t busy with your blog, what do you enjoy doing?

Reading, walking, causing trouble on the Internet… hanging with family and friends, watching movies, and writing. I get to travel quite a bit, so I feel enormously lucky with my life.

What would you like the whole world to know about your blog?

We’re Cranky, but we’re not mean. We know our stuff and post reviews nearly every day. We’re honest and loyal and when we make promises, we keep them.

Aaah... the links...

We cannot forget to share the links to these wonderful curmudgeons. Find them... love them... maybe find a new book. ;-)


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